Windows 8.1
Doing what it takes to balance your company's need to exist in technological world of perpetual change.
A quick word about our website:
Our website provides two primary functions, one really important one and the second, not so much.
Serving as a portal and a request queue for remote support or onsite service is the purpose this website serves. As a customer, you can request a service call, we can provide remote support and you can take care of other customer/vendor issues like reviewing a managed service or requesting changes to the services we provide for you as an existing customer.
This website is also available for individuals and small businesses who need technical support for network issues, workstation requests, cloud services and security services.
The secondary reason for our website is probably easy to guess, if you look around, it is a mix of art, music, humor, links to interesting sites and a place where we try new ideas and in that reguard not take ourselves so seriously.
Network infrastructure security and design are serious enough and you can get to a support request page from just about anywhere, if you get lost in this maze. If you need help, it is right here
A Bit about Brooks ePC (Brooksnetworks)
Our purpose is to provide IT Consulting and managed services to keep your business running, using technology that will future proof your efforts by helping you make the right decisions when it comes to your digital world.
With three decades of practical experience supporting the voice and data needs of small businesses in So Cal, and now in our seventeenth year as an independent small business ourselves, we make sure our customers are never caught with their guard down. The perpetual learning curve is a circle, never ending. We take pride in everything we do. We take ownership of our responsibilities to customers. We truly appreciate the business and we plan on being here with the same integrity and transparency that made us who we are.